Business Loan Calculator | Small Business Loan Calculator UK

Our Business Loan Calculator will show you how much your borrowing will cost you based on different interest periods or periods of time.

Small Business Salt is an independent company providing advice to business owners to help them make informed decisions, so using our business loan calculator does not tie you to any business loan provider.

We simply provide you with the business loan calculator so that you can see how much your loan repayments will cost you and display advertising which you might find helpful.

You may find special business loan offers on this page from small business loan providers which suit your needs through the advertisements that appear.

Whether you are a Lloyds Bank business customer, Nat West, Santander or Starling Bank, start your business loan calculation, then you will know how much your loan will cost you.

You can then find the best deal available for your needs.

Use Our Business Loan Calculator Now

Simply enter the amount of your loan, interest rate and length of the loan to instantly see your figures on the page.

Once you have your first figure, you can change the interest rate, period of loan and amount of loan to see new figures – simply press the “Calculate” button again once you have updated each box.

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    Once You Have Used Our Business Loan Calculator

    Be sure to consider all of your options before taking out a business loan.

    Is there a Government grant available for the funds that you are looking to generate?

    Small Business Loan Calculator
    If there isn’t a full grant, is there a matched funding option available for you?

    The Government is keen to back small businesses, so check to see if there is some form of grant available for you before taking out a business loan.

    Find your local business support authority in your area and ask them which types of grants or funding are available.

    Can you finance your expenditure by improving sales?

    Whilst the business loan calculator might show you that you can afford the business loan repayments, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you should take out the loan.

    If you improve your sales and marketing processes simultaneously, could you generate sufficient additional cash flow to replace the need for a business loan?

    In years of supplying advice and support to small business owners, we have rarely come across a business that has fully optimised their sales and marketing processes.

    There are usually huge opportunities in the following areas to dramatically increase sales.

    The good news is that if you take this action to improve your processes now if you do obtain a business loan in due course, you will not need it to be as big as you first planned because you will convert more of the opportunities that come your way.

    Let’s say your aim is to make £10,000 extra income per month (just multiply this example for larger sums) and each of your sales is £1,000 on average.

    You need 10 additional transactions.

    If your conversion rate of enquiries to clients is currently one in 3, you need to speak to 30 additional people every month to make that additional £10,000.

    If you apply the improvements, you may see, as we have seen with many businesses, a dramatic improvement in your conversion rate.

    If you improve it to converting 1 in every 2 enquiries, you will now only need 20 enquiries instead of 30: that is a dramatic improvement.

    If you start converting 2/3rds of all enquiries (we have seen people reach 90% conversion rates by optimising all parts of their sales and marketing processes, now you will only need 15 more enquiries each month, half of what you initially needed.

    Can you see why improving your conversion processes first can significantly reduce the amount of the business loan that you first turned up looking for when you Googled Business Loan Calculator?

    Improvements to your sales and marketing processes

    • The follow up process. Most businesses do not follow up enough or even at all. Many of the people who have enquired about your services may just be waiting for you to follow up to remind them that you are there and ready to help. It is not that the follow up has to be a phone call. It can be an email simply asking if they have any unanswered questions that you can help them with (notice, no sales needed at all – just helping). It could be something in the post with lots of happy client feedback.
    • Adding more opportunities for your prospects to reach out to you from your website. This is always one of the most untapped opportunities for any business. Most businesses will expect a visitor to hunt down their contact details on each page, meaning they let opportunities for sales slip through their fingers every month. EVERY SINGLE PAGE of your website must offer the following options of engagement:
      • A hyperlinked telephone number, allowing the visitor to click the screen to easily call you;
      • A hyperlinked email address;
      • A link to make a free enquiry;
      • Live chat (handled by real people, not a bot – if you sell a service worth more than a few pounds your customers/clients deserve that at least – it can be completely outsourced); and
      • The opportunity to download an ‘item of value’ in exchange for their email address, so that by using email marketing software you can follow up with them until they are ready to buy – completely automatically). This ‘item of value’ can be to book a demo, an ebook, a PDF brochure, a mini video training series, so long as it adds values and answers questions around about the problems that you solve.
    • Optimising your current marketing spend. If you are spending money on Google Ads and it is producing 10 leads each month, improve each aspect of your Google Ads and you might turn that into 15 leads (particularly with the improvements to your website above). Once you have improved it, which might then provide the additional funds you need and remove the need for a business loan at all, you can then spend more on it to generate the additional income you need.
    • Once you have improved your conversion processes and optimised any current marketing spend, add some more marketing arteries, or improve other ones. The best forms of marketing for all service based businesses are:
      • A website that converts and consistently grows (by adding high quality content that answers your ideal prospects questions);
      • Email marketing (so that clients never forget that you exist, providing you with more opportunities for repeat business, recommendation s and referrals);
      • Google Ads; and
      • A Referral plan (that is actively tracked, measured and improved every month).


    Hopefully, you arrived at this page looking for our business loan calculator, but you may now have seen some other ways that you can obtain the finances you are looking for to grow, save or improve your business.

    If you are trying to do any of these things, particularly save a business, making the improvements above first might just be all that you need to do!

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