Data Entry Jobs From Home UK

Looking for work from home jobs UK data entry?

Data Entry Jobs From Home UKMore and more people are looking for work from home jobs involving data entry in the UK. And the good news is that the global data entry market is in the hundreds of millions of people required to complete the data entry, so there is an enormous amount of work available. It means that you can take control of your working hours and working from home.

We will look into the variety of data entry from home jobs, but as a worldwide website helping small businesses and the people who work for (or want to work for them), we should also tell you about some other, even more financial rewarding work from home opportunities.

The primary one, and financially potentially much more rewarding, is freelance copywriting. Don’t think you need to be qualified either, every copywriter, including this one writing this article, started with zero experience.

The good news about this is that you can still work from home, but rather than being forced to work for just one company, which means if you lose your employer you lose your income, you will work from home for a number of small businesses and have the ability to earn a high five figure income or in many cases a six figure income?

It pays much better than data entry jobs and there is huge demand for freelance copywriters.

Click here to discover more about how to become a copywriter with no experience:>>

See also Genuine Work From Home Jobs UK

Genuine Data Entry Jobs From Home

Data Entry Jobs From Home UKIn this article, we explore some additional work from home possibilities that you may have not previously considered, including video transcribing.

Is there something that we haven’t covered that you have a question about?

No problem, simply email us on and we will be happy to help.

This page may contain affiliate links meaning we earn a small commission if you sign up and start making money, but this is at no additional cost to you.

What Are The Work From Home Job Possibilities When It Comes To Data Entry In The UK?

If you are looking for data entry jobs from home in Yje UK, what are your options?

Whilst the normal data entry jobs revolve around entering financial details, stock and product details or entering logistical details, other possibilities for data entry working from home include:

Audio typing.

Here you receive digital dictations from your employer or customer and turn the dictation into a Word document. The content might include letters, brochures or general articles for websites, which you might be asked to add straight onto their website.

Transcribing videos into a Word Document or onto a website.

Whilst many people are prepared to sit and watch a video for minutes or even hours, other people like to dive straight into the content and skim read it at their own pace.

In addition to this, business owners realise that transcribing all of their video content is going to make their website far more appealing to Google, which in turn means more visitors and more clients for their business.

Transcribing video content into a Word document or onto a website is a huge work from home opportunity. You can either do this in a full time deployed role, or as an outsourced freelancer to many different businesses.

This provides you with the real opportunity of controlling your day, earning a good salary and working from home in the UK.

Adding a backlog of content to a website.

With most sites these days using WordPress for their websites, it means that you can easily add content to a website without any technical or coding skills.

Suddenly your data entry possibilities are dramatically increased as you can add value to many business across the UK, adding a backlog of content to their website to bring it up to date.

Why don’t they just do this themselves, you may wonder?

Quite simply, most small business owners may work alone or have a very small team, so they simply do not have the time, effort or inclination to learn how to add content to their website, even though it is very easy to do.

Adding Regular Content To A Business’ Website

Following on from the point above, any good business owner knows that if they want their website to receive more visitors every month, they have to add new content to it every month too.

They may employ a freelance copywriter to write the content for them every month, but it still has to find its way on to their website to be of any use to anyone, which is where you can come in.

Two or three hours of work every month for a handful of clients and you have a regular, repeatable monthly income all from the comfort of your own home!

This means regular work and payment for you, and more visitors for the website owner.

Answering services for small businesses.

Telephone answering services for small businesses are huge employers in the work from home sector. Whilst you may not have considered this, it presents real opportunities to work from home, to receive a fixed hourly rate but be able to move around your home when the telephone is not ringing.

With wireless headsets, you can easily answer the call, return to your desk and enter the data (call details) into the system without any difficulties. Answering services present a real work from home opportunity.

What Hourly Rate Can You Expect From A UK Data Entry Job From home?

Whilst your typical work from home data entry jobs will earn you in the region of £10 per hour, when you become more creative, work for yourself as a freelancer and charge each job a fixed price, you can quickly increase your hourly rate to £25 per hour and beyond.

When you are paid for each task, it is much easier to use your efficiency to get more jobs done in each hour. Your customers will be happy paying a fixed price, and you know that the harder and faster you work, the more money you will make from your work from home data entry.

Can You Really Work From Home Doing Data Entry In The UK?

The short answer is yes, absolutely.

Most employers are now very comfortable with people working from home, especially freelancers or contractors who are only paid for the pieces of work that they do.

For example, if you are adding new pages to a WordPress website, you might charge £10 to £20 per page. That way, you know precisely what you will be paid for the work, and the employer knows how much they will have to pay.

Therefore, the employer doesn’t mind if the job takes you 10 minutes or 10 hours, because he or she is paying a fixed price for that work.

There are millions of work from home data entry jobs available, but with the additional information we have given you above, we hope that you can see there are more opportunities than you had first considered.

Now we are going to blow the doors wide open for you by telling you that there is a website where you can register yourself and people will contact you to ask you to do jobs for them.

You don’t even have to scroll through countless advertisements, small business owners will come to you!

Register Here To Receive Invitations To Work For Small Businesses

The beauty of this website is not only that people will approach you to work for them, meaning you don’t have to chase around looking for work from home jobs, but they will also handle collection of money from the small business and passing it on to you, often paying it to you in stages as you complete different stages of the job.

The site is called Upwork .

In just a few minutes you could have your profile set up and be contacted about the hundreds of data entry jobs that are posted on the site daily.


Click here to register with Upwork:>>