AWeber Email Marketing Software Tutorial
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This is Nick Jervis from Small Business Salt, Automated New Client Attraction.
Welcome to Video 3 in this series of setting up AWeber Email Marketing Software. By now you’ve joined my email marketing course list, if you haven’t see the link below.
You’ve done the initial sign up for AWeber and you’re at the point where you can now sign in. As soon as you’ve signed up as I showed in Video 2 you’ll be sent an email with your login and your password.
Click the sign in button, use your chosen login name and password and log into your account and find that you’ve entered the wrong login details Nick.
So let’s try again hopefully this time it will work, looking good.
The first bit you come to is new list setup, there’s a video there. I’m going to skip through that you can watch it as you wish.
AWeber has made it very simple and they’ve actually oversimplified it so there’s some parts that you should do that they now take you away from. I’ll go through it the way AWeber shows you to set up your campaign. Then I’ll take you through to the important bits which need to be done as well which are vital.
So put in your company name. It’s probably worth copying this because you’re going to use it again shortly.
Address has been copied across from when you set up the campaign.
Your name and sender email is included there. You can change that to whatever you want so if you have an you want to use for new enquires or a special new enquiries address you can put that one in.
So next step, list name now this is important because if you do this right over time you will develop several lists. This is… the list name applies across all of AWeber so if someone else tries the same name as you or has already got the same name that you want to use you won’t be able to set up with that list.
I always have this personalised so it that it’s got my business name at the beginning so for Small Business Salt I might put SBS or I might put Salt. Then email marketing or whatever you want to call it with the dashes between. Gives you best the chance trying to explain what the list is for your benefit so that you can remember which one each one is.
This one if you give it a name of something that will mean something to you as well to make sure you’re getting that right. Click the next step button.
This one I always change slightly. You can use the pre-approved ‘Please confirm your request information’. That one’s fine, the one I always use is… because this makes it more personal and it is ultimately what you’re asking it to do. This is what we call double opt-in.
The reason double opt-in is so important and I’ll put a link to an article about double opt-in at the bottom of this video. Some people say turn off double opt-in but to me that defeats the whole point of email marketing.
Email marketing means you want to reach as many people as possible. You want to make sure they’re receiving your emails because then they’ll see that you’re an expert and they’ll buy your services when they need you.
If you take off double opt-in or you choose a different email supplier that doesn’t need it because in my mind then the quality is not so good. You will get to the point where you’re sending loads of emails, you might have a thousand on the list but actually only 300 reach people then so it looks like 700 are just not being opened when in fact they’re just not reaching people. They’re going into spam which gives your website, your domain a bad name saying sends lots of emails most of them not opened.
That’s the biggest reason but the main reason you want double opt-in is because you want someone to go to your website, enter their email address, say ‘Yes I do want to receive whatever it is that you’re offering me to get me onto your email list, I want that’. As soon as you send them to a page, I’ll show you that in the next stage they see an email that says ‘You’ll get an email from me now, click the link in that email to make sure you receive this free guide, free report, free video series’ whatever it is.
They will take that action because they know it’s coming. All you need to do then in the message body is ‘Please click the link below to confirm your email address’ because that’s what we want them to do.
Thank you, name, approve message and create list.
AWeber will go off and create that list for you now.
In the next video I’ll show you how to create sign up forms and the difference between good sign up forms and bad ones.
Look forward to seeing you in the next video.
Nick Jervis from Small Business Salt, Automated New Client Attraction.
Free Guide – Setting Up Aweber And Using It To Grow Your Business:>>
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