How To Write Your Business Book – A Ride And Write Day

How To Write Your Business Book – A Ride And Write Day I have been writing my business book about growing a law firm for some time now – far too long in fact. It was getting to the point that I simply had to get it finished. I was so close, yet also I … Read more

Why Business Onwers So Often Fail With Their Marketing

Why Business Onwers So Often Fail With Their Marketing There is a common reason why so many service business owners fail when it comes to marketing their businesses. Paddington Bear can help you to understand why this happens so much. Do you remember the story of the bear found in Paddington Station that loved to … Read more

Peacock Or Elephant Marketing For Your Service Business?

Peacock Or Elephant Marketing For Your Service Business? This question is all you need to help you to reach a decision about whether the type of marketing that you are considering is worth investing your time, effort and energy into. Once you can answer this question, you can work out whether the marketing is likely … Read more

A 15 Year Overnight Success Story

A 15 Year Overnight Success Story I love the term ‘overnight success’. Clearly, by the amount of time it is referenced in business stories in newspapers and magazines, I am not alone in the love of this term. However, I am a complete realist. I understand that except in a very few instances, there really … Read more

Chasing Jam Tomorrow Instead Of The Bread And Butter For Today

Most business owners I meet or talk with have one common problem: They are always chasing the jam tomorrow instead of focusing on the bread and butter that they need to survive today. Jam tomorrow is more exciting. It is a shiny, bright and beautiful thing. The entrepreneur, jobrepreneur or small business owner, whatever you … Read more

You’re a Jobpreneur, Not An Entrepreneur

You’re a Jobpreneur, Not An Entrepreneur, or are you? The term entrepreneur these days seems to be banded about far too easily. The Government want more entrepreneurs, business people talk about being entrepreneurs not just business owners, and generally everyone seems to want a slice of the entrepreneurial pie. What about the jobpreneurs though? My … Read more

Stop Riding The Small Business Marketing Roller Coaster

Stop Riding The Small Business Marketing Roller Coaster Is your service business currently a victim of the Marketing Roller Coaster? Do you travel from a peak of successful and busy times in your business due to some very effective marketing, but then when the marketing roller coaster reaches the next summit, you stop marketing because … Read more

Entrepreneurs: Stop Chasing The Jam Tomorrow!

Entrepreneurs: Stop Chasing The Jam Tomorrow! I am lucky through my marketing consultancy to work with a lot of people who I call entrepreneurial in spirit. Whilst I used the term ‘entrepreneur’ in the title, my definition of that term is someone who has a very successfull and profitable business and has probably already sold … Read more